ISO 9001 Certification awarded to Eta Energy Solutions
The International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 9001:2015 is the most updated standard of its kind and focuses on quality management systems and performance. It assists companies in developing a management system that aligns quality with their wider business strategy.

International Experts gather to attend Rosneft's Oil and Gas Forum 2018
The international Oil and Gas forum which was hosted by Rosneft’s TNNC was successfully concluded in Tyumen, Russia.
The conference was held on the 18th of June 2018 and approximately 100 oil and gas experts from 8 countries were in attendance.

Highlights from TGNF 2017 as Eta Plays Key Role
Swiftly following on from its successful participation at Offshore Europe 2017 in Aberdeen, Eta Energy Solutions also significantly contributed to the fourth edition of The Global Nigeria Forum (TGNF) 2017 which was held on the 9th of September at the Ardoe Mercure House Hotel in Aberdeen.

Eta Directors Help to Shape Nigeria Oil and Gas Future
Two executive directors of Eta Energy Solutions – Engr. Sodi Toby (Managing Director) and Dr. Ebe Weli (Director) were part of a delegation of Nigerian-born oil and gas exports in the diaspora who met with the Nigerian Minister of State for Petroleum Resources – Ibe Kachikwu in Abuja recently…