
Eta Energy Solutions use our CompressorDoc™ process to help oil and gas companies improve the performance and reliability of existing gas compression systems in order to improve uptime.

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CompressorDoc™ is a unique 5-step process that includes:

  1. Performance Benchmarking - Benchmark the operational performance of the gas compression trans in order to identify in-service degradations in performance.

  2. Maintenance Review - Review maintenance records in order to identify potential failure patterns and indications of root causes.

  3. Design Analysis - Analyze the aerodynamic, thermodynamic, and rotodynamic design features of the compression train to determine whether there are inherent design features that make the compression susceptible to specific failures or sub-optimal performance. 

  4. Root - Cause Analysis - Aggregate evidence in steps 1 to 3, to identify root causes and develop corrective solutions.

  5. Uptime Roadmap - develop an implementable roadmap to resolve reliability and performance issues.