International Experts gather to attend Rosneft's Oil and Gas Forum 2018
The international Oil and Gas forum which was hosted by Rosneft’s TNNC was successfully concluded in Tyumen, Russia.
The conference was held on the 18th of June 2018 and approximately 100 oil and gas experts from 8 countries were in attendance.
Eta Managing Director, Sodi Toby, was one of the experts in attendance. He participated in chairing and moderating two of the three sessions of the conference. Sodi also made a conference presentation on “Interpreting and Analysing Integrated Asset Modelling Results”.
On the last day of the forum Sodi was one of four Master Class presenters. He presented a Master Class on “Guidelines for selecting Integrated Asset Modelling Tools and Technology”
The conference was a success. As a result of his significant contribution to the conference, Sodi was interviewed by the Tyumen Regional newspaper company.
You can find excerpts of the interview and news from the conference in the links below.