7 Steps to Resolve Suboptimal Performance of Centrifugal Compressors - Part 2
Last week in Part 1, we explored the first three out of the seven steps which I recommend to resolve the suboptimal performance of centrifugal compressors in oil and gas service. This week, in Part 2 we look at the remaining four of the seven steps. They are as follows:

7 Steps to Resolve Suboptimal Performance of Centrifugal Compressors - Part 1
Having previously described the causes and effects of suboptimal operation of centrifugal compressors deployed in oil and gas applications, I thought it would be great this week to begin to look at some key steps we can take towards resolving the issues previously highlighted.

Why Your Gas Compression Equipment May No Longer be Optimum
Gas compression equipment used in oil and gas applications may be required to operate away from their design duties in the course of the life of the field. Usually, such centrifugal compressors are meticulously designed and optimized for their initial duty.